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5 ways a blog can add value to your business

Standing out from the crowd of similar businesses can be quite a challenge in today’s busy and crowded digital marketplace. You’ve likely already set up a functioning website for your company, joined a few relevant social media channels and you might erroneously think that your job is done, and your online presence is established for good.

But being on Facebook and having a landing page just doesn’t cut it anymore. Instead, you need to focus on standing out from your competitors and offer your target audience something of value. One of the best and most efficient ways to do this is setting up a blog section on your website. We have 5 solid reasons that attest to the fact that a blog can add massive value to your small business – check them out below:


1. Helps build trust and reputation

Business blog content that offers valuable insight and emphasizes your expertise can help you establish authority within your specific industry. By consistently tackling helpful topics in a reliable way, your readers will look at you as a leader and an expert in the subject matter. If your audience thinks that you’re proficient in your line of work, your reputation will precede you and you’ll manage to reach and influence many more potential leads in an indirect way.

2. Improves SEO

Blogging for business can drive organic traffic to your site. A constant stream of high-quality blog posts can generate inbound links that can help improve your SEO and increase the number of visitors to your site. New blog posts mean new indexable pages and a higher ranking in search results.
The type of content you share on your blog matters a lot. While blog posts that are relevant today may deliver a spike in viewership at the time being, evergreen content is likely to drive a perpetual flow of traffic in the long run, so make sure you include both into your business blog’s content calendar.

3. Attracts new customers

More blog posts mean more chances to attract brand new customers to your website and business. Articles and content that entice people who have never heard of your business before have the potential to increase conversions over time. Blog posts that attract a certain group of individuals can help you build a community of people with similar interests, which, if done strategically, can be turned into long-term followers and, eventually, customers.

4. Keeps current clients engaged

The articles that appear on your blog have the power to increase the loyalty of your current clients and customers. If you provide them with content that proves to be useful, entertaining or fun, they’ll likely return to your website repeatedly. You can deliver blog posts which cater to their specific needs. Since they are already your customers, they’ll likely be engaged by content that shares clever tips, behind-the-scenes info and other informative things about the purchased product or service. This way, they will never forget their purchase and are much more likely to return to you in the future.

5. Drives long-term results

In contrast with traditional marketing, blog posts and articles should not have a salesy tone. Advertising in blog posts is done in a subtle way, with a kind of finesse, so that the readers only notice that you’re trying to showcase your product when they’re already hooked to the text and cannot look away. Engaging articles will deliver results for years to come, so crafting such content in a consistent manner is of paramount importance for your business blog.


How a Content Marketing Agency can help

You might not have the time or the resources to produce as many valuable blog posts and articles as you’d like to. A Content Marketing Agency can help you reach new heights of success by cleverly and efficiently utilizing the powerful tool of blogging. An agency can improve the consistency of your posts or even increase frequency of the articles in order to attract more leads.
They can provide skillful, professional content writers to write quality content. Furthermore, a marketing agency will also measure and track the blog’s statistical data and fine-tune the communication strategy to improve reach and generate more leads.
The Onlike Online Marketing Agency is here to help you get the ball rolling and set up the most awesome blog tailored to your business goals. Feel free to reach out to us at any time!