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Why video reigns supreme in the world of online content marketing

Video took the world of marketing by storm in the past decade and has quickly evolved from being the rarest and most expensive form of advertising (think TV commercials) to becoming one of the go-to tools for marketers and businesses alike. With the help of videos brands can express themselves more easily, they can make a more memorable, long-lasting impression and can easily target the type of audience they wish to address.

The Onlike Content Marketing Agency has orchestrated quite a few different types of video marketing campaigns throughout its 5-year existence and we’re here to tell you that while on the outside it might seem like a piece of cake, in reality there’s much more to video marketing than a good camera and a haphazard idea that comes out of the blue. Here are our most important insights from half a decade’s worth of video content creation:

What is the purpose of video marketing?

From the brand’s point of view, the objectives of utilizing video marketing are quite simple: grow web traffic, increase brand awareness and online engagement, generate leads, and to boost conversion rates and sales revenue.

Customers, on the other hand, have different objectives in mind. They wish to be either entertained, or educated or inspired. And the real trick when it comes to video marketing for any business is the art of mastering how you can achieve a combination that satisfies you both!

What types of video content bring the best results?

There are three types of videos you should definitely consider including in your marketing strategy.

Hero-type videos aim to inspire and attract the viewer with appealing storytelling and mesmerizing visuals. These are considered to be cornerstone content, as they present key specifics of a brand’s story, are usually big-budget efforts and their main purpose is to connect with the audience through impactful anecdotes that aim to impress. We did a lovely series with one of our clients not long ago that reached quite an audience. In the course of two thirty-second videos, we showcased the two main strengths of their brand through a charming narrative that had a bit of a twist at the end. Thus, we managed to achieve a memorable turnover and presented the brand in an innovative and unique way to potential clients.


Hub-type content is made up of the kind of videos that engage with the audience’s interests and keeps them coming back for more. This can be easily achieved through episodic content which targets viewers’ passions and specific interests. We did a vlog series for one of our clients who specializes in publicizing natural remedies. His audience made up of health enthusiasts loved the bi-weekly videos posted on his Facebook page, which tackled specific health problems and offered natural solutions to remedy the issues.


Help-type videos offer concrete answers to specific questions posed by the audience. Naturally, the questions asked are about the brand’s products or services and the video content should offer helpful tips and insights about how the audience can make the most out of them. These too can be episodic series but also work well as standalone content. A butcher shop client of ours made the right decision when they decided to advertise their produce through a series of recipe videos, during which they presented how the audience can prepare culinary delicacies from the meat they can find in their stores.


Every marketing plan should contain all three types of videos which, if balanced correctly, will help keep users engaged and meet all their needs throughout the year. All three types of content need to be planned, executed and posted in a strategic manner in order to best serve the business’ main goals.

What are the key ingredients for great video advertisement?

Although each type of video is different, there are a few ground rules that need to be respected in order for a video marketing campaign to be successful. Firstly, try to captivate the viewer’s attention in the first 5 seconds. With the abundance of videos available in the online sphere, it is of paramount importance to stand out in the very first seconds in order to avoid video abandonment.

Once you have their attention, take your time to tell your brand’s story and aim for providing immersive experiences for the viewer, which will stay with them for a long time after they’ve watched the video. Create an intriguing series by strategically posting episodic content which lures your followers in time and time again. And last but not least, don’t overlook the importance of proper, smart targeting! Take time to really get to know your audience and post videos that are in line with their interests, search queries and their exact questions regarding your brand, product or services.

All in all, making effective videos to market your goods is quite an exciting, but challenging and complex process. If you do it improperly in the slightest, you risk sending out the wrong message and that can actually put your entire brand in jeopardy. So why not leave it to the professionals? The team behind the Onlike Agency has a vast experience with all types of video advertisements and we’re more than happy to help you out in finding your voice, telling your story and reaching your audience in an engaging and memorable manner! Let’s chat about how we can be of assistance!