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What story needs does your audience have?


How well do you know your audience? What are their dreams, their wishes, their intentions and what are they actually looking for when they visit your website, blog or social account?

Building a profile of your ideal customers is extremely important not only so you can understand who your clients are and what they are looking for, but also to know how to actually address them. A marketing agency can help you construct buyer personas, showcasing the main characteristics of your ideal clientele. This will bring value to your business, since you’ll be fully aware of who you need to talk to. Once you’re aware of the best way to approach your followers, your conversion rates will likely increase and your communication strategy will be successful. But what about the fundamental needs that drive their search?

Today we’re looking at the latent impulses that influence online research and the reasons that a certain audience seeks a specific type of content. We believe that the more you learn about your audience’s behavioral patterns, the easier it becomes to market your brand successfully.

The basic content needs of your clients

Online users can be divided into certain categories when it comes to search queries, according to Google, who has recently partnered up with Kantar to research how consumer needs and underlying motivations influence search behavior and drive intent. The study recognized 6 basic consumer needs, which, according to the team of researchers, is comprised of a mixture of social, functional, and emotional needs. Discover them below:

Surprise me – looking for fun, entertaining content to enjoy in their spare time

Thrill me – seeking a quick thrill, something new and adventurous

Impress me – on the hunt for interesting content that has that wow factor

Educate me – inquiring about thorough, informative content that has the potential to be illuminating

Reassure me – looking for content that will restore confidence to a belief system

Help me – in search of assistance regarding an existing problem

How successful brands apply this information to their content marketing strategy

The way your brand responds to search queries and individual requirements is of paramount importance. Ignoring consumer demands can only damage your brand. Instead, aim to build your marketing strategy on satisfying the specific needs of consumers to carefully influence their decision and perhaps even turn them into long-standing customers. Check out a few quick tips that can help you meet your audience’s content requirements, regardless of the industry you’re working in:

Aim to entertain – people are continuously seeking various options for entertainment, especially on social media. So grant their wishes and strive to present your product in a fun, compelling way. You’ll know if you’ve managed to succeed by the number of reactions, comments and shares the post generates.

Do something unexpected – nobody likes to see the same type of content repeatedly, sometimes presented in different packaging, when following a brand. So break free every now and then of the pattern you’re following and do something out of the ordinary, which will attract attention and create a memorable impression in your audience’s minds.

Show off in a unique way – avoid product photos that are just too similar to everything that can already be found on the market and come up with creative ways to showcase your merchandise. Break the pattern of same-looking product displays in order to stand out from competitors.

Inform and educate – aim to offer something of value to your readers and followers, even if it’s about your product. Surprise them with fun facts, enticing infographics and cool data about your company, activity, or services. And don’t forget that presentation is everything when it comes to informational posts.

Be a trusted resource – construct your marketing strategy with long-term commitment and continuity in mind. By providing useful information in the long run, you can, in time, become the go-to source in your market and be the most reliable brand that customers turn to.

Provide solutions – take a step back and put yourself in your audience’s shoes. What exactly are they looking for in your products or services and what can you offer them to make their lives easier? By asking the right questions, you can provide solutions that will make them coming back for more.  

An online marketing agency can help bring things together

Putting together such a far-reaching marketing strategy takes a lot of hard work and requires the help of professionals to prevail. A marketing agency can provide assistance when it comes to getting to know your audience and crafting the right type of content to engage them in conversation. The Onlike Content Marketing Agency can help you discover the exact story needs of your customers and can construct a strategy that can help you market your brand successfully. Reach out to us and find out more!